Photo: Fırat Kuşçu
OLASI, meaning “probable” in English is an action happening horizontally on a vertical surface. It is an action of forming a text diverting to multiple directions in meaning. The audience and the passers-by witness word plates being installed and branched on a street wall (8 meters length). The text's meaning is altered by each addition of a plate. As for the appearance of the text, in its disappearance by people taking out the words from the wall we witness new readings with its diminution.
Artists: Ayşe Orhon, Ömer Aygün / Proposition/realization: Ayşe Orhon / Text: Ömer Aygün / Duration: 30’ / Special thanks to: Gülsün Orhon, Roxy Menzies, Ahmet Altınel.
Realized in the context of Performans Günleri organized by GalataPerform. İstiklal Street, Beyoğlu, Istanbul.
UNTITLED_Black paint, yogurt, label and text
The first “Untitled” happened in 2007 Istanbul Galataperform Performance Days in a “dead window” (Untitled_Masking tape, yogurt, label and text). This is another variation of Untitled; a simple, durational action happening in different conditions with the same principles. In this simple action, conveyances between an object-a subject, inside-outside, stillness-movement appear.
UNTITLED_Masking tape, yogourt, label and text.